Installed SA 2.6.3 today, and have been routinely reporting the spammers to SpamCop. We'll see if it makes any difference. There are a ton of custom rules going around, some of which are far better than Bayes, most of which are based off of it.
My latest idea is to write some code that will add tokens to the Bayes database based on the whois information derived from the hosts of the URLs in the messages. That should, by itself, eliminate roughly 90% of my messages, at the cost of hitting the whois databases fairly hard. Only trouble is that it's pretty easy for the bad guys to embed links that can spoof the system, but the more bogus links they present the less likely it is that they'll be clicked on. Plus, if the bad guys haven't figured out by now that SpamCop uses the URLs for pretty much the same purpose, well too bad.